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Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Eight: Case File No. 38-402

female cardinal perched on a bare bush in winter

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Where We Left Off:

Oliver and Gus discussed why Full Moons are given allegedly North American Indigenous names like January’s Full Wolf Moon.

Cardinal Rules:

Due to the extremely cold temperatures, Gus has not had much time outside. He’s fitting in short 20-minute patrols. On warmer days, he’s gotten a decent hour out there. What he wants to do is come in, snack, use the litter, go back out. He would do this all day if I gave him that option.

black cat Gus outside sitting up tall on a fallen tree with a branch at a diagonal in front of him.

When we peek out from the higher observation deck or do go outside, we mostly see the dark-eyed juncos (beautiful round birds with white bellies and shades of charcoal to slate in our region). I don’t remember when I started to notice these birds. Winter always meant it was time for cardinals to flourish because they’re easy to spot against the bare branches and snowy landscape.

black cat Gus (with rarely visible white chest dot) sitting on the "porch" of Fort Winchester supervising The Grumpy Old Man chopping trees.

It was a day when the sunlight reflecting off the remaining four inches of snow could bounce into my eyes making me see spots. I had accidentally left my sunglasses inside somewhere. Gus indicated that he wanted to go by the former fairy garden and head to Fort Winchester, but he didn’t feel like getting his paws cold and wet. He has to be motivated to do that and some days, he really is motivated (like when birds and squirrels are teasing him).

We headed to the workshop instead where it was still freaking cold. The Grumpy Old Man was at his bench sharpening the chain of a chainsaw. He had plans to take down more of the dead trees. It’s a controversial move that did not go unnoticed by the local birds and mammals.

The foxes and squirrels loved having fallen trees and logs to climb on! The raccoons looked at them with indifference. The deer saw them as intrusive obstacles. The bobcats took it all in stride and easily manuveured through, over, or around the blockade.

I carried Gus to Fort Winchester where he supervised the chopping of the trees. I was surprised! I thought the sound would annoy him and scare him. It wasn’t until a tree came down parallel to the fort that Gus took off. He didn’t go far, but he did require time back in shelter until being ready to go back.

orange tabby with white belly and paws, Oliver, sitting on the base of a scratching post

During all of this, Oliver was in his suite watching from the large doors. He can see nearly everything that goes on from there. Plus, his sunken patio provides a place the birds (and stray cats) happen to love.

Gus and I left through the workshop. I paused to take photos when I saw some of my favorite birds, female cardinals. I think they’re pretty and it annoys me when they get left out of art because they have no need to prance around in the most vivid, fresh blood red like their male counterparts. I support gay cardinals as much as the next ally, but I think female cardinals deserve their place in visual art (and crappy trinkets).

I found Lottie Briscoe waiting for the blue jays to grab their peanuts and go. She swooped to Gnome Grove so I followed to see if I could take her photo. They typically don’t spend the time to pose for the camera the way blue jays do.

After I said, “Good morning,” she replied in a tone showing she had no patience.

“What’s so good about it?”

“Sorry. I guess it might not be. I’m still happy to see you getting some of the snacks,” I said from about 15 feet away.

“We have a problem!”

“Should I get Gus? Is someone bothering you?” I looked to the north and saw walking on the garden wall.

“What’s he going to do? The problem is with you—your kind specifically.” She tilted her head then turned a cold shoulder to me as if she couldn’t stand to look at me. Me! The one who feeds them!

“The whole deck of us are tired of being left out. Tired of having our needs ignored,” Lottie said.

I didn’t know what she meant. Sometimes the seeds I bought were specifically labeled as cardinal mix to feed them well. I urged her to continue explaining.

two trees chopped down and in scattered pieces on the ground

“Those trees,” she pointed with a wing. “We never had a heads up about them being chopped down by humans. No one tells us anything! Yet, we’ve shared plenty of information with Oliver and Gus and you, human.”

She was right. We’ve turned to the cardinals to get information and haven’t reciprocated. It was time to rectify that with: CARDINAL RULES!

Rule 1: A new position would be created, Inter-species Attachée. Lottie Briscoe would be officially designated as the first Inter-species Attachée handling communications between the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency and the cardinals.

Rule 2: Whenever financially possible, the humans will provide bird seed mix that has sunflower seeds, the cardinals’ particular favorite.

The first piece of information we could share with Lottie to take back to the cardinals was that “rumor has it” Lord and Lady Theodore will be deforesting in order to put up buildings and roads big enough for trucks to take out the trees. This includes healthy trees. The Grumpy Old Man is only taking down dead or diseased trees.

“I know that sounds bad and we’re worried about it, too,” I told Lottie. “Can we build you houses?”

“Human-made houses aren’t for us,” she said. “We prefer nesting in bushes and trees. What we need are those. If any trees and shrubs are cut out, we need them to be replaced or we’ll have to move out of this neighborhood!”

Case Findings:

Once again, it seems humans were causing another housing crisis—this time for birds. Removing even dead trees leaves birds and squirrels limited options. Dead trees are also great perches for large predatory birds. The squirrels would be greatly affected by other changes The Grumpy Old Man has planned. We agreed that cardinal Lottie Briscoe, would be the attachée and point of communication between us and her friends. Unfortunately, we had no way of knowing precisely would be done to the surrounding forest now that other humans are in charge of it.

Case Status: Closed

Amber's palm with a blood spot. "Gus gave me stigmata when the tree came down."


Collective nouns for cardinals

Arbor Day Foundation

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