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Where We Left Off:
Our previous case file was a bit unusual. We covered bears and two distinctly different formats. There’s coverage of the funny and engaging #FatBearWeek. Then there’s the sad news about the NJ bear hunt which has taken 392 black bears lives.
Baby Driver:
I’m not sure what got into Oliver, but I believe it’s the chillier air activating some of his energy centers. I know fall has always been Gus’ favorite time of the year. Together, they have amped up their indoor mousing activities.
October 2, 2024
The first occurrence was on October 2, 2024. The Cook reported that Oliver had caught a mouse downstairs, but as it escaped from him, Gus nabbed it. This happened at 4:30AM and I was not ready to be in action. However, the first mouse (no photos) got away and escaped into the walls.
The house was quiet again for a little while.
At 7:00AM, Gus delivered the mouse up to my sleeping quarters with the proof that he is in fact, a very good boy. I never doubted that for a moment. My photos documenting the cat detectives and the mouse are of course, terrible. They’re probably fire me except no one else on staff takes photos and videos or writes up their historical (1) documents.
This time, the unsub was captured and taken away from Gus as he and Ollie circled the detective agency offices. I grabbed a Witness Transportation Unit with the wrong lid, but it would have to do. The subject was taken to an undisclosed location and released.
- Subject: house mouse
- Name: “Baby Driver”
- Age: older than pinky stage, but less than a year
October 6, 2024
Within a few days, Oliver and Gus were hunting inside again and grabbed another intruder. I was grateful The Butler was here and that he was willing to get out of bed. He followed the disruptive noises and was still far more alert than I was. The Butler normally wakes up around then so I was relieved when he took charge of the situation. There was a key difference in this case.
The unsub was deceased. It could not be questioned.
The Butler threw the body up to the gods and we considered the case closed. The next day, The Grumpy Old Man found the body quite close to the back porch in the grass. Both of us were surprised none of the outside creatures took it. It was there for a few days before either being mowed over or a creature actually taking it. I prefer to hope it was the latter.
- Subject: house mouse
- Name: Matthew Squeak
- Age: 6-12 months old
The Crime Scene photos are not what I would call graphic or gory. It looks like the mouse is asleep and a little damp (from cat saliva).
Ongoing Investigations
Gus and Oliver have not stopped sniffing around and listening at the walls for intruders. It can be difficult to determine what they sense. You never know around here. Could be a mouse in the wall. Could be a spirit floating at the top of the stairs.
Case Findings:
There is always more work to do when it comes to hunting down the rodents who live within the buildings and vehicles. The continued plan for Oliver and Gus is to catch them and release them into WitSec in exchange for information. The Grumpy Old disapproves of this plan. He wants all the rodents vanquished. Dead. Kaput. Sometimes the cat detectives can’t help themselves and are too rough with the critters.
No, I do not know the difference of when to use historic versus historical and I don’t care. I also firmly believe that the heavier sound of the “h” in these instances allows for the article to be a historic not an historic as people insist. We say a hotel not an hotel.