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Where We Left Off:
In our previous internal investigation, Prof. Oliver Winchester and Det. Burton Guster Nabu felt it was in the best interest of the chipmunks to launch an attack on the brown-headed cowbirds.
**WARNING: this case includes images of a fox with a dead rodent.**
3:37 to Jersey:
Is it just us? Are we the only one constantly plagued with technology issues? Seriously, I want to know. Once in a while there are unexplained glitches “in the matrix” where computers and files go missing. Other times, it’s all me, the one responsible for the data management and records of The Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency. If I get interrupted, chances are, I’m going to “eff” something up completely FUBAR style.
It was that kind of day when Ollie and Gus had asked to review the past week’s worth of trailcam footage. We caught something noteworthy. Then I was asked a question I can’t solve about cell phone service (I don’t know how it works; it’s freaking magical invisible stuff in the air!) Next thing I know, I’ve deleted about 200 images and videos from one of the memory cards. When you do that, the deleted files do not go into the computer’s recycling bin.

Here’s What We Found
On September 24, 2024, the sleek vixen known as Vivica B. Fox sauntered into view of one of the cameras. In her lethal jaws, she carried a thick, juicy (I assume) rodent of significant size.
“Isn’t she something else?” I muttered more to myself than to the boys. Vivica is a lean and efficient killing machine—one of the best of her kind. Besides her clear foxy superiority, something stood out and I pointed to it on the screen.
“Where’s her right ear?” Oliver said.
“I think it’s folded down,” I replied. “It’s like Silly the Bear and his floppy ear. I’ve looked at this footage frame-by-frame. She does have a right ear, but it’s not the same as the left.”
“Gus is more familiar with the scents near Camera 4,” Ollie said, “Gus? Have you picked up any information that would explain if Vivica was hurt and how and when?”
Gus has spent a few weeks focused on a stakeout near the area of Cam4. However, when he’s that focused, I’ve watched him stare at the hole in the ground for hours.
“I think it’s a mating injury,” Gus blurted out.
“Have you been watching NatGeo again?” Ollie’s cattiness flowed off his words (an aptly named noun).
“What? It’s got good stuff,” Gus defended.
“You think all injuries are from mating when you’ve been watching those documentaries like Shark Fest.” Ollie flicked down with one of his front paws and looked away from his partner.
“Anyway,” I interrupted, “I’ll add that to our board.”
Was There a Previous Connection?
We discussed at length whether Vivica and El Diablo had ever had an encounter before. It was rather likely considering we found footage from August 31st at 12:13am where Vivica comes into frame. After 14 seconds, something startles her and she looks in the same direction of the woods where El Diablo was this recent time. A couple seconds after that fright, she relieves herself and disappears into the darkness. Did she have to empty her bladder because of the scare or was it simply time to go? I added this footage to the end of our documentary on the primary incident under investigation.
Case Findings:
After reviewing all of the footage since July (that’s a LOT of security stills and videos), Oliver and Gus determined that this was not the first time El Diablo had a go at Vivica B. Fox. He is likely the reason for her floppy ear.
It’s also worth noting that neither have ever displayed rabies symptoms because it can be carried in both of these mammals. We’re happy to say that these subjects look pretty darn healthy!
Case Status: Closed