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Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Eight: Case File No. 13-377

parody of Law & Order title card Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency The Prime Suspects with cut out photos of orange and white tabby Oliver and black cat Gus

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Where We Left Off:

The cat detectives, Gus and Ollie (with some human assistance) solve the case of who killed the mouse found in the backyard.

The Magic Mouse Theory:

If you thought that just because our previous case was solved and we know who killed the mouse that the case was completely over, you’d be wrong. There is more to the story about the mouse The Butler discovered murdered in the grass.

It was easy to assume to that the mouse’s killer ate the evidence at first, but we showed how the body was found in tact. A memorial service was held. Then, the body appeared to be unfortunately run over by the lawn mower. It was unclear what happened to it after that. We would have thought the body was pulverized going through the blades. Instead, it seems that the mouse was thrown clear from its place of rest and launched from the lawn mower. Here’s some enhanced video:

What Happened After the Memorial?

On the same night, July 7, 2024, a red fox trotted into view of the trailcam and it was carrying prey in its mouth. Gus and Oliver had me play back the video and create screenshots for hours. We studied them thoroughly. I compiled all of those clips into a video with enhancements.

The fox was Joe Vulpesci, first seen in 2023 according to our records.

Vulpesci sensed someone else approaching. Would the fox leave its morsels there and hide or would it stay and defend its meal? Meals seem quite important to a vulpes creature. Maybe it wasn’t up to his standards. You’ll see in the video what happened when someone new came on to the scene (alt text: Vulpesci walks away). 

Apparently, a sneaky raccoon bandit with a reputation was enough to get the fox to leave the prey remains in the grass. Vulpesci left the view of the camera and moments later this raccoon, Hans Grabber, appeared. If you have the sound on, you can hear his crunching.

Hans suddenly vacates the scene! He would never give up so easily. Five minutes later, the notorious thief was back to continue devouring the “leftovers” from Joe Vulpesci.

Three Hours Later…

The camera was triggered after midnight at 01:45AM. The opossum’s vital olfactory senses led her to the scene. These wild creatures require their sense of smell or they would not survive. The video is not clear whether or not Veronica Marsupial, the opossum detective, also tasted the remains of the mouse victim. There couldn’t have been much left by that point.

After hearing about the events of the mouse’s murder and all that happened afterwards, Mayoral candidate, Gary Trashmouth, went to the scene to conduct his own inspection. Gary Trashmouth didn’t detect anything toxic at the scene. Often, poisoned rodents are consumed by other animals who then suffer from the toxicity also. This is a particularly huge problem with the Bald Eagle and other large birds of prey who ingest smaller animals killed by lead shot. The birds are poisoned by the lead and if they don’t get to a specialized facility in time, they will die.

Case Findings:

The Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency is always happy when the circle of life safely occurs as Mother Nature intended. The mouse victim from Case File 12-376 was scavenged by a couple of local residents: Joe Vulpesci and Hans Grabber. Veronica Marsupial possibly had some of the remnants, but ultimately, she was there for investigation purposes. After Veronica’s snooping at the scene, Gary Trashmouth combed it over and determined there was nothing hazardous. The scene no longer needed surveillance regarding this particular murder mystery.

Case Status: Closed

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