Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Seven: Case File No. 42-354
Is this thick heavy chain we found in the dirt from an archaeological expedition? Who left it? What was it for?
Is this thick heavy chain we found in the dirt from an archaeological expedition? Who left it? What was it for?
Domestic cats get a lot of heat in the media for being bird-killing machines. What if they had some help?
On February 1, 2024, Gus discovered another body. In this case file, we review investigation basics and make our determination.
We could use some keen expert help on this case! A few of us at the detective agency have been noticing tracks in the snow.
While enjoying a pleasant winter morning in the woods, Gus and his human discovered some evidence that needed identification.
One morning, The Grumpy Old Man came home and saw us in the backyard. “I left something for you in the trailer,” he said. Uh-oh.
When Gus stands still and stares, I take notice. I stayed as still as Gus. We kept staring at whatever was moving. It looked pale with dark spots.
The ferns and flowers weren’t the only dead things in the garden. We discovered a spread of evidence indicating murder!
Our mobile command unit is still a hot spot for intruders of the rodent variety. Gus knows where they are, but can’t get to them!