Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Eight: Case File No. 45-409
What the heck was this gathering all about? Why did the animals appear to be full of anxiety, confusion, and aggression?
What the heck was this gathering all about? Why did the animals appear to be full of anxiety, confusion, and aggression?
This mystery handed us one of the weirdest clues in all our years of investigating around the neighborhood.
Oliver and Gus got an email from their medical team warning about the dangers of H5N1, avian flu. Is it connected this recently discovered crime?
The biographer discovered a body on the side of the road during her commute. Clues were scarce.
Why was the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency blessed by multiple bobcat sightings on this day in particular?
Why is January’s full moon called the Full Wolf Moon? Oliver & Gus want answers and want to submit a change request. Support us at
Gus and Oliver did more research than ever and talked to a lot of other critters about the stolen black cat stretching mural.
The still, peaceful body of Chuck Egger was discovered, launching us into a new criminal investigation.
Why did Mr. Chu leave the safety of his burrow during the night? Simona the fawn led us to this mystery.