Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Six: Case File No. 34-294
Do We Have a Mothman Here? Gus, Oliver, and I could not agree on what the camera caught.
Do We Have a Mothman Here? Gus, Oliver, and I could not agree on what the camera caught.
Important new information was discovered about the biology of Jersey Devil-Deer cryptids!
Our first case of year six is about a vandalism on the house! Support this work at
Who is James T. West and why did we find an artifact bearing his name in our loft? Support this site at
The vampire population among New Jersey wildlife is far worse than we thought. Support my work at
Find out how one case connects the 13th century, 17th century, and modern day. Support this work at
Gus killed a huge rodent, but it required thorough research. Oliver’s findings were astonishing! Support this work at
Two interesting events caused Gus concern and sent Oliver to the lab for research. Support this site at
We discovered three crime scenes that ended up being connected. Support this site at