Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Six: Case File No. 44-304
This is a dreadfully serious incident that created another Internal Affairs investigation.
This is a dreadfully serious incident that created another Internal Affairs investigation.
We have an Internal Affairs case file. There’s a Mad Pooper inside the house!
We took time to observe the backyard cardinals in hopes of turning them into confidential informants.
Who is this copycat? What he does want? Why does he keep coming here?
We found feathers and had a new case solve! Who did they belong to? Is the critter still alive? Who was the culprit?
Recent observation notes on the local white-tailed deer gatherings. Why were all the males together?
Learn how Gus and Oliver were trained for adventures and investigating with strollers and harnesses.
The two assailants swept off towards the fence and circled around to the Japanese maple tree. That’s when the incident caught Ollie’s attention.
Are we ever going to find out the real identity of the Gus impersonator?