Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Seven: Case File No. 52-364
This case is a wild ride to close out Year Seven! Keep on supporting us at as we move into Year Eight.
This case is a wild ride to close out Year Seven! Keep on supporting us at as we move into Year Eight.
There’s an important first for us in this case file. Strangely, it leads the human biographer and cats in another direction.
A sighting of a dear friend caught on our trailcam. Could this mean we’ll be seeing more of him?
Was it really an earthquake that struck New Jersey and the east coast on April 5, 2024?
Environmentalism is a top priority for the critters of the neighborhood and they are bringing those concerns to their polling places.
Meet Armando and Cookie, the pair of coyotes that have been prancing through our backyard.
Are there more bobcats or are we getting lucky that the trailcam is set up in a good place for sightings?
Domestic cats get a lot of heat in the media for being bird-killing machines. What if they had some help?
On February 1, 2024, Gus discovered another body. In this case file, we review investigation basics and make our determination.