Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Eight: Case File No. 29-393
What happens when gossip sends our investigation in the wrong direction as we followed the clues of the corn vandalism case?
What happens when gossip sends our investigation in the wrong direction as we followed the clues of the corn vandalism case?
What kind of clue made the cats seek the advice of Associate Justice William B. Woods of the Supreme Court of Squirrels?
Raccoons are hypervigilant. Once in a while, they’re reasonably content and let their guard down. Two babies are missing, presumed dead.
The baby red squirrels get their code names and give us a special request! Support us at
There appears to be a sad update on another one of the free-roaming cats in the neighborhood. Consider supervising your pets when outside.
Gus and Oliver have been in the mood to hunt. Perhaps the mood to kill things that humans have during the harvest comes from animals.
NJDEP may have made some advances in a slightly more humane bear management program, but we still hate the entire idea of the hunt when the problem is habitation loss.
Vivica is a lean and efficient killing machine—one of the best of her kind. What happens when she encounters El Diablo?
Cowbirds need an appropriate collective noun that expresses their bullying behavior.