Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Seven: Case File No. 48-360
Environmentalism is a top priority for the critters of the neighborhood and they are bringing those concerns to their polling places.
Environmentalism is a top priority for the critters of the neighborhood and they are bringing those concerns to their polling places.
The cat detectives took an odd wildlife encounter and turned it into a breakthrough in the field of ornithology. Support our work at
Meet Armando and Cookie, the pair of coyotes that have been prancing through our backyard.
Was it a Ghost in the Kitchen with a Blunt Object? What happened to The Cook?
I wasn’t expecting Gus to have such an important conversation with The Morrigan, a triple goddess known for war and death.
Are there more bobcats or are we getting lucky that the trailcam is set up in a good place for sightings?
Is this thick heavy chain we found in the dirt from an archaeological expedition? Who left it? What was it for?
Domestic cats get a lot of heat in the media for being bird-killing machines. What if they had some help?
On February 1, 2024, Gus discovered another body. In this case file, we review investigation basics and make our determination.