We learn as we go as all good investigators should. We use the clues and data to come to conclusions, but even then, sometimes we end up being wrong. For example, when we come across hoof prints in the mud, we might first believe they are left by white-tailed deer. But then later on, we get information from an informant that the hybrid cryptids Jersey Devil-Deer have been seen in the area. You don’t need to go back to our first case, but we sure would love if you got through them whenever you have time for reading.

Oliver Queen Winchester
Oliver or “Ollie” as he’s also known, came from deep in the state of Pennsylvania about an hour north of Pittsburgh. He was rescued by someone in the military who thought he could give Oliver a good home. Then the human had to leave and asked us to babysit for four weeks. Oliver has been here ever since. He loves food, catnip, meditating, talking to birds, and his favorite The Cook.

Burton Guster Nabu
“Gus” for short is now a private detective. He has a long history of being a maverick. He did some time in Scotland Yard as a detective inspector then went off to Jamaica on assignment. After being booted for never wanting to take orders from humans, he ended up in a shelter with a lot of other animals who needed homes. There were lots of cats, dogs, bunny rabbits, and guinea pigs. When Gus met three humans he felt a special liking for, he licked one the face. That one became his primary companion, Amber, The Biographer.

Amber – The Biographer
Writer, crime scene investigator, takes the pictures and videos
Bsky: https://bsky.app/profile/amberunmasked.bsky.social
Instagram: @amberunmasked

The Butler – Alfredo Pesosvalor
Keeps things clean, chauffeur, financial manager, gives many skritches, weekend peanut distributor

The Cook
Feeds cats and humans delicious meals, occasional chauffeur

The Grumpy Old Man
Groundskeeper, mechanic, fixer of things, maker of fires